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Waking out of bed damn im cold looking in the mirror damn im old suddenly im released it should be relief but i have no feeling am i even a being i seem to be bleeding its like im everything but i feel like im everyone even the plants trees all elements pain joy creation drops of...
Matrix teilchen das matrix teilchen so in seiner wirklichkeit, ist die menschheit für neue freiheiten bereit, das gute und schöne geschöpft mit unsere natur, legal wie reggae der dread haar gemeinde bravour. Matrix particles the matrix particles in its reality, is humanity ready for new...
Ip surveillance with the lie of social media is unacceptable for any user. The capitalist bribe to sell, evaluate and misuse the data of the users is forbidden and the punishment follows with a great natural catastrope to the nation that has allowed and this cursed babylonian insution to...

The matrix resistance of the system, data freedom from control resist 'em, money is a preserving tool of ideny, to control our spiritual power totality.
Sound about mind fucking