Raven's project - based on the independent music composer, zed raven..
The 3th track from the al firebaroque. Lyrics:
when the light leaves the darkness,
when the flowers rise up in spears and open their petals,
when the first raindrops glitter on the rainbow,
when the first songs break the eternal silence,
when from the dissolving gloom emerges the highest...
The 2017 version of a track from the al firebaroque (some more percussions added)
composed by zed raven
vocal: réka juliette
one key for the light
safe from the other side
one key for the night
hiding from the light
inside the chamber of guards
hiding from the world
hidden away...
A track from the al firebaroque. Composed by zed raven
vocal - réka juliette
shining light
flying high
seek the way
from the night
hidden deep inside in the valley
had once lived a fairy
deep inside... So many shadows moved behind the leaves
nobody could hear the repressed...
A song for the upcoming 5th al. Composer - zed raven
vocals - réka juliette & csada boglárka
b/ their father is the fight
their mother is the lie
so many die
r/ when they're gaining hordes
they use the words of power
so many liers' way
b/ oh, liars' way
r/ flaming eden
A song for the upcoming 5th al. Composer - zed raven
vocal - réka juliette
no one's looking for her, because she lives in hiding
no one remembers her, because there's not any writing
maybe there's just an imaginary realm
maybe she's just a forgotten dream
silence reigns, lightless...
The 2nd track of the al firebaroque. Composer - zed raven
vocal - réka juliette
higher than the sky
higher than she can fly
desire is that leads her into the unknown
false lights that entice
the endless sky is her life
the endless worlds are her dreams
she doesn't know that her...