You must refresh your mind hop on a plane one day with some one you truly love and just go across the globe and have a great time

You must refresh your mind hop on a plane one day with some one you truly love and just go across the globe and have a great time
Their is more going on in this world then what their tell you a lot things is untold from the controllers of the world the 10%er the 84% of the world is the mass which is control by the 10% when you seek more knowledge the higher power will release it to you then you become one of us the 5% or 1%...

Their is more going on in this world then what their tell you a lot things is untold from the controllers of the world the 10%er the 84% of the world is the mass which is control by the 10% when you seek more knowledge the higher power will release it to you then you become one of us the 5% or 1%...