What the eyes perceive is not always the reality. Most often times we have ii summon that wonderful tool ed ‘imagination that we have all been blessed with. It is a gift that when used in the proper way can propel us ii places that only exist in the mind’s eye. The muses, yet again have been...
Each & every i of us has been bestowed with gifts & tools that are required ii navigate this thing ed life. However, how choose ii use, or not use the gifts is another matter. No doubt obstacles, challenges, minefields, uneven terrain & bottlenecks will present themselves in different...
Since creation & the beginning of time we as a species have always sought more. No matter where we are & how much we have we are lulled inii that false sense that the pastures on the other side of the river & beyond are more arable, lush & productive. In doing so, we neglect ii...
We gravitate iiwards those who stir emotions in us all that cannot not be explained, & most times impossible ii quantify exactly why we react in certain ways. As a species we have made incredible technological advances, yet when it comes ii maters of the heart we have failed ii come up with a...
Zen /zɛn/ adjective 
peaceful and calm:
informal conceived or more accurately delivered via a dream, courtesy of the muses, when the band members where all going through difficult times, collectively & individually. We could not see a way out of the dark tunnels & valleys we were...
In our mind's eye, what @ its sight looks like. Ifoundagirl ifoundagirl, i foundagirl heart-shapes ride on a zephyr, like autumn leaves rose petals falling with perfume she's a tambourine, a prelude ii spring, she flies with bluebirds & happy ii sing. I got a girl, cinnamon in...