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Fuzzy logic elizabeth richardson: vocals liz sumner: vocals traci booth: vocals michael cohen: guitar, music, lyrics michael nieckoski: guitar, vocals steve bourque: drums steve armstrong: bass fuzzy logic elizabeth richardson: vocals liz sumner: vocals traci booth: vocals michael...
From the fuzzy logic cd "almost". Liz sumner: vocals elizabeth richardson: vocals traci booth: vocals michael cohen: guitar, music, lyrics michael nieckoski: guitar, vocals steve armstrong: bass steve bourque: drums bahia 1) i want to fly away from here oh take me to the mardi...
…lost and unemploy samurai!

I am a guitarist, composer, arranger and musical director and i released 2 als and 5 singles. I'm creating many genres of music depending my moods.
Djartistproducereventmanager for technogenre. Badboyngoodguy no satanista! Not the beast! :) (dont b scared:)(my music speaks 4 me:)
Vocal- liz sumner music, lyrics, arrangement- michael cohen almost your eyes aren’t quite the right shade of brown but they’ll do late at night when the lights are turned down your hair is all wrong several inches too long and parted on the wrong side your face is too lined, your voice...