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New wave music from the uk.

Up coming uk alternate urban artist.... One to look out for..... Please subscribe on patreon @ https://www. Patreon. Com/suave_uk all support welcome.
Woex incorporation remix feat elina born and featuring lquid dnb remixes online
"om warulfven" is the 6th track from the debut al "the seer's ascent". Now available on bandcamp. . Om warulfven: i forna dagar kunde man få höra talas om något som ofta skedde, nämligen att många människor skiftade hamn och blevo vargar och bodde i skog och...

Mortiphera is a blackened gothic metal band from sweden. Black metal, post-punk + dungeon synth!
We're all too easily offended these days. No offence tells it as it is. It's spiky, direct and absurd. I’m offended / that you’re offended you’re offensive / so offensive why so passive aggressive? No offence / no offence we’ve discussed it / i’m disgusted you’re revolted / at my...

Modern life is complicated, frequently absurd, and disappoints in just far too many places. Fractured aim to make sense of it all.
Пост панк , СССР поп post punk

I'm just a normal teen guy from india trying to make some music and stuffs