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Each & every i of us has been bestowed with gifts & tools that are required ii navigate this thing ed life. However, how choose ii use, or not use the gifts is another matter. No doubt obstacles, challenges, minefields, uneven terrain & bottlenecks will present themselves in different...
Put on your best dress baby let 'em see you glow and then for second maybe as you take the floor clocks might stop spinning 'round like a nightbird blinded by the sun and your hand will touch me and take me out of crowd followed by the whispers envy all around and i’ll dive in...

New band with several tracks recorded. Mixture of influences, from rock to country and blues - it's hard for us to select one. Working on our first record.
Galleon performs original music spanning a variety of genres, styles and influences. But through all of it we steadfastly believe that rock & roll still matters! We hope you do too!

Merry christmas, happy chanukah, joyous kwanzaa, festive festivus, and most of all a peaceful, constructive and productive 2024. Rock and country on!
My first ep 'wild' is here! The inspiration for this ep was for all the songs to be based around jungle/wild theme. Hope you enjoy :) thanks to bbc introducing devon & cornwall who pla this track :)

Hannah ruby is a red-lipstick loving musician from exeter. Some influences include; the beatles and ed sheeran.
If i could turn back the clock i promise you i would to undo the things i’ve done once and for good to turn the words i said into the kiss if i could make you smile the way you used to smile and to share with me again your ups and downs you’ll get the best of me if you let...

New band with several tracks recorded. Mixture of influences, from rock to country and blues - it's hard for us to select one. Working on our first record.
This song, about a vice which all men practice at some time, was written by former atlanta musician chris owens, who in the early 1990s led a band known as full circle. Another full circle member, drummer scott edens, would later become a member of galleon for a while, proving that everything does...

Merry christmas, happy chanukah, joyous kwanzaa, festive festivus, and most of all a peaceful, constructive and productive 2024. Rock and country on!