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Www. Legalpeolpe. Wordpress. Com legal peolpe legal peolpe in unser welt, wir man dies sieht und hält, ein lied zur freude gemacht, damit der mensch auch lacht. Legal peolpe legal peolpe in our world, we see and hold this, made a song for joy, so that man also laughs. Public domain and...
Beat maker & producer
I know life can be hard but just think of all the good you do for others less fortunate. Yes you are great and we believe in you.
Brighter day by prince umukoro is a philosophical music for the good of humanity. Music of peace, togetherness, hope love and caring for each other. Listen to the song and enjoy it

Music of peace, togetherness, hope and love. For the good of humanity
Www. Reggaepeople. Wordpress. Com reggae people reggae people in der welt, wo uns das laben gefällt, zum dank dieses ans schöne, nach diesem man sich sehne. Reggae people reggae people in the world, where we like the lab, to thank this beautiful, after this one longs. Reggae people,dj...
This single is kin judah's homage of the wide range of musical genres created by the black culture. He takes this single to the next level by redefining the narrative that is stereotypical to the black culture and talking about the brighter side of the black experience.