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The workers now march to the cathedral in order to demand accounts. Freder and maria insist on grot to make peace with fredersen. Freder finally manages to play the role of mediator as he convinces the two men to shake hands. The music finale illustrates the reconciliation and the new harmony that...
They find maria and start chasing her. The crowd of workers merges with the party people, and they finally capture futura/maria, whereas the real maria now gets chased by rotwang again. Action music amplifies the panic.
Grot and the workers are now marching through the city, searching for the w! Tch, i. E. Futura/maria, whom they claim is the reason for all their griefs. The music is martial and austere.
The children and their rescuers proceed to quickly move to a higher place in order to escape the deluge. In parallel, the workers have gone completely demented as they dance in the devastated factory. Grot tries to bring them back to the reason by reminding them that their kids are in big danger.
Futura/maria is brought to a bonfire as the workers decide to burn the. Freder thinks she is the real maria and tries to save her, in vain. The music is solemn and funereal. Under the effect of the fire, futura/maria turns back to her robot appearance, and freder turns his attention to the top of...
He rushes to her rescue and fights with rotwang. His father has now joined the crowd, but the action music turns to an engaging melody as josaphat manages to calm them down by saying that their kids have been saved. But the fight continues and, finally, rotwang falls to his death from the rooftop.