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All the colors by ivar sigurbergsson nobody has time for bickering we'll get nowhere by using hate the earth was here before we were cause nature doesn't discriminate look around and drop your ego there's a million beautiful hues we can all see every single one but for some reason we...

Ivar is a songwriter a singer and a guitar and keyboard player. The musical genre he plays could probably be classified as indie pop music.
:: if you wanna let me i will show you :: don't you know how to be happy to live every single day without any dark clouds above and nothing standing in your way and don't you know how to love to put another person first and feel the kindness forever with so much joy you could burst but if...

Ivar, a musician and songwriter, has been a member of several bands but works independently today. More info >>> https://ivar0707. Com
Hungry ears by ivar sigurbergsson all these words flying through the air pick some out, does anybody care? You can find what you've been missing if you just slow down and listen certain words are just a distraction they produce a knee-jerk reaction but patience can keep you from...

Ivar, a musician and songwriter, has been a member of several bands but works independently today. More info >>> https://ivar0707. Com
A million flavors by ivar sigurbergsson

Ivar, a musician and songwriter, has been a member of several bands but works independently today. More info >>> https://ivar0707. Com
Happening now by ivar sigurbergsson

Ivar, a musician and songwriter, has been a member of several bands but works independently today. More info >>> https://ivar0707. Com
How you made them feel by ivar sigurbergsson

Ivar, a musician and songwriter, has been a member of several bands but works independently today. More info >>> https://ivar0707. Com