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This song was written by galleon leader elliott michaels in 1987 and recorded in 1989 on his independent cassette al "change of a dress. " michaels wrote the song about the growing plight of america's homeless and what we all need to do to help them. We think you'll agree that elliott's...

Merry christmas, happy chanukah, joyous kwanzaa, festive festivus, and most of all a peaceful, constructive and productive 2024. Rock and country on!
Rise of broken women (rbw) is a multicultural 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated giving women and their families the tools they need to extricate themselves from the circle of poverty. Rbw was founded by charlee newman to be used as a resource for women and families experiencing homelessness. She...
I know life can be hard but just think of all the good you do for others less fortunate. Yes you are great and we believe in you.
What kind of world is a new single by cynical renegade and speaks of social injustice around the world. The band is using sales of this song to raise money for the project gambia charity, which provides educational resources to villages in gambia. We pledge to give 50% of earnings from this single...
Story of an homeless living in the streets of paris.

Lost in your city (radio edit) by marco. R on deezer http://www. Deezer. Com/al/57986082