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Securous when there is an imminent threat, a hero or a band of heroes will rise and assume their destined position. A cause will require a decision, a decision will result in an action; the right action will have you emerge victorious against the danger(s) around you. (original theme music for...
German lyric... ... ... Am ende wirst du wissen, wer ich für dich war du hast immer gedacht, dass du nicht gut genug für mich bist aber ich wusste, dass du mehr warst, als du dir jemals vorgestellt hast ich habe deine schönheit gesehen, die du selbst nicht erkennst am ende...

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Smooth chill melodies if you like my music thanks, but i'm really a 3d designer. That creates 3d characters. I'm probably good of making beautiful music.
Oh no! It's a trap, while the trap is being launched at you, planned thoroughly, you need to improvise yourself out of this hole! Stay calm.

Hi. I make everything from soundtracks to house. Every track of mine has a different story, so just pick the topics you are interested in :)
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