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[verse] the human race a wretched breed born to suffer consumed by greed a plague upon this land we tread with every step more blood is shed [verse 2] hatred breeds in every heart tearing worlds apart tearing worlds apart we revel in our own demise a race of monsters in our own...

I am a furry metal head who makes awesome or decent metal, heavy metal or death metal riffs.
Ai generated metal song made with aiva music composed by aiva - artificial intelligence virtual artist (https://www. Aiva. Ai)

Ai generated metal made with aiva
German lyric... ... ... Ich bin sven neawolf für immer wir ich bin dein schwarzer engel für immer wir in der dunkelheit des lebens läufst du mit gebrochenen herz für immer wir wir haben alles miteinander geteilt unsere träume, hoffnung, Ängste wir waren unzertrennlich für...

Https://neawolf. Com

Https://neawolf. Com
[verse] blood and bones we march on in this ruthless world we carry on a vicious race lost in despair savage souls consumed by warfare [verse 2] tortured hearts filled with hate destruction and chaos our twisted fate in our blackened hearts no remorse we revel in violence it's our...

I am a furry metal head who makes awesome or decent metal, heavy metal or death metal riffs.
Ai generated metal song made with aiva music composed by aiva - artificial intelligence virtual artist (https://www. Aiva. Ai)

Ai generated metal made with aiva