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Song name - why artist - tdoughh tempo - 120. 0 song key - c signature - 4/4 real, sad emo x melodic trap music kendrick lamar type beat new 2021 super real emo trap song feel my pain, ride da wave.

- when it gets dark enough you can see the stars! ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Experimental track with 'c'est terrible' vocals and garageband loops. Enjoy the weather this winter! Damage remix, first remix. More to come! Written by: squirrels with guns produced by: pickle whale recorded at: fpgs studios copyright free! Steal and share as much as you like!

Indie/britpop/electronic/alternative students, musicians, working class, boring.
Demo preview of 2nd al single why do i?

Instagram: virtual_zero twitter: realvz2 facebook: virtual zero reverbnation. Com/virtualzero #dancebreak