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German lyric... ... ... Ich bin sven neawolf für immer wir ich bin dein schwarzer engel für immer wir in der dunkelheit des lebens läufst du mit gebrochenen herz für immer wir wir haben alles miteinander geteilt unsere träume, hoffnung, Ängste wir waren unzertrennlich für...

Https://neawolf. Com
Sven neawolf's song "kalte berührung" (noize, industrial, dark) https://neawolf. Com/track/kalte-beruehrung. Php sven neawolf (link in bio) https://neawolf. Com spotify: https://open. Spotify. Com/artist/2dwhr0fuqbk7ixjqbhkrtc german lyric... ... ... Ich bin...

Https://neawolf. Com
I can't re if this is normal i can't re if i've been before.....

We are the reighn ( victor reighn, lunatic, insane, damurdaman. We share your world through our awareness and knowledge and knowing.
Verse unleashed, my inner pain, in the mirror, i see my face as you do, shadows follow me through my mental mind, they carry with them the past, the shadows all have stacks, upon stacks, upon the stacks, of my pages of pain, all are parts of the beginning to the end, of the...

We are the reighn ( victor reighn, lunatic, insane, damurdaman. We share your world through our awareness and knowledge and knowing.
We are like pencils and this world a sharpener which we're constantly sharpened. The sharpening however isn't so that we may create or write upon a canvas of life but its instead so that we may all stay on point and withen the blue lines that the system suggest is the way. To deny sharpening is...

We are the reighn ( victor reighn, lunatic, insane, damurdaman. We share your world through our awareness and knowledge and knowing.