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Melbourne, australia based singer/songwriter
Written by someone with bipolar disorder about the "highs" of it. Being stuck in a happiness that makes you unphased by everything around you. Beat is from prod. Riddiman on youtube led, "tranquillity - chill lofi hip hop beat (free for profit use)". So don't come at me...

Spoken lofi/indie poems. Kind of songs, well.. I think you'll catch onto my style at about the same pace i do :)
Lewat music ini kami berpesan bagi anda yang sudah merasa putus asa dan tidak kuat melewati rintangan hidup, ingatlah masih ada keluarga, teman, sahabat, dan orang-orang yang akan selalu mni dan membantumu, ingatlah juga bahwa kamu masih punya tuhan yang tidak pernah meninggalkanmu, namun tuhan...
I know life can be hard but just think of all the good you do for others less fortunate. Yes you are great and we believe in you.
Humble me. Take me down a few notches. Make me believe i can do better than this. Show me my face, for what it really is. Then take it away and make me search the world for it. Humble me. Take me down a few notches. Make me believe i can do better than this. Show me my face, for what it...