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From joyslam's upcoming spirit star comes the ultra cool "drum beats". As the lyrics express drums are the heartbeat of not just music, but of communications throughout history and in every culture. These drum beats, especially in aboriginal culture, are the means in which we "tell...

Rj martine (aboriginal recording/solo artist) has risen from the ashes of various bands & musicians to create the high energy, multi genre project, joyslam.
Joyslam's hard driving, high energy funk rock instant classic "who do you want to be"

Rj martine (aboriginal recording/solo artist) has risen from the ashes of various bands & musicians to create the high energy, multi genre project, joyslam.
Http://indegenius. Bandcamp. Com there was a time i was free and i roamed from here to everywhere i could be my ones like me the distance we could see and we crossed these lands with a style carefree then in came the beast harboring disease the same disease that plages the minds of the people...
Http://indegenius. Bandcamp. Com principalities spreading fallicies about how what they decree should be and though teh tracking me they just aint cracking me cuz i was done with those whips in 63 now i'm tryna cop whips and keep them real clean i aspire to be like i see on tv but there's a...
Http://indegenius. Bandcamp. Net do you know what my time is like waiting for the day through night waiting to see which ones do right but it never comes and i feel so dumb we oncee had our own dear sun hashtali rained down from above and met earth mother and they made love and so here we...
Http://indegenius. Bandcamp. Com the reality of it is that i'm so ready for this but there's the bills the wife and kids and if this ain't a hit what then for them? So i gotta make twice as many hits then and them hits got to come from many places as i awake people and revive the...