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Dj premier: special thanks to : linkin park and evanescence r. I. P: chester bennington (re-animation re-mix 2020) (i live in an opressive country, where people try to shave down your throat their bull beliefs).. In our fight against internet censorship and oppression! Not a member of any...

This is the end game last songs posted check me out @ www. Reverbnation. Com/curtislegendre , what would i say? I'm a night club dj ;)
Faodail (a lucky find) is fiùran's first album. If you dig our sound, give us a like. If you want to hear more great tunes, subscribe to our youtube channel. Like us? Help support future projects by purchasing our album via digital download at: http://www. Fiuran. Com/music thoir beò mi (bring me...